Lauren Abendschein
Lauren Abendschein is theHead of Institutional Sales at Coinbase, the global team responsible fordeveloping and managing relationships with institutional clients and partneringwith product teams to build and deliver a best-in-class suite of Institutionalproducts and services. Lauren joined Coinbase in 2018 and has beenintegral to the advancement of landmark institutional offerings includingCustody, full-service Prime brokerage, and innovative Web3 applications. Herteam has driven relationships with the world’s most significant institutionalparticipants in digital assets across Hedge Funds, Venture Funds, AssetManagers, Corporates, Asset Allocators, and High-net-worth Individuals.
Prior to joining Coinbase, Lauren spent eight years at CreditSuisse where she was a Director on the Hedge Fund Sales team and on the CapitalIntroductions team responsible for providing deep connectivity to leadinginvestors, including asset allocators and hedge funds. Her global experiencespans both Hong Kong and San Francisco. Lauren holds an MBA from the HaasSchool of Business at University of California Berkeley as well as a B.Mus. inFrench Horn Performance and a B.A. in Politics from Oberlin College.