Robert Wolf

Chief Executive Officer
32 Advisors

Robert Wolf is the Founder of 32 Advisors and the direct investing arm 32 Ventures, and does advisory services for corporate clients on financial matters, risk, and governance. Robert was named Chairman of the AI-driven messaging software platform Community in Summer 2022. Prior to forming 32 Advisors, Robert spent 18 years at UBS, a global financial services firm. While at the firm, he held several senior positions including Chairman and CEO of UBS Americas and President and Chief Operating Officer of the Investment Bank. He joined UBS in 1994 after spending 10 years at Salomon Brothers. In November 2022, Robert was appointed by President Biden to the Pentagon’s Defense Business Board and prior to that he held three Presidential appointments under President Obama: as a member of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board from 2009-2011, the Council on Jobs and Competitiveness from 2011-2013 and the Export Council from 2014-2016.  Currently, Robert serves on the Board of Directors of the Obama Foundation, on the Alumni Board of the Wharton School, and on the Leadership Council of NYC’s Robin Hood Foundation.  In 2016, Robert joined Fox News/Fox Business as a contributor. Robert is a 1984 graduate of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, receiving a B.S. in Economics.


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