Ron Biscardi
Ron Biscardi is the CEO and Co-Founder ofiConnections. Ron has over 25 years of experience in the alternative investmentindustry, and has closed over 20 seed deals and deployed over $600 million incapital. His achievements include building the world’s largest capitalintroduction conference which takes place annually in Miami Beach. In April2020, he founded iConnections, a software-powered community connecting theinvestment management industry. iConnections' platform and app allows managers tosecurely share company information with allocators, who can seamlessly evaluateand engage with relevant managers. The scalable technology poweringiConnections can be used for all types of bespoke investor events and isalready the technology of choice of the largest industry events including SALT,AIMA and 100 Women in Finances’ FundWomen Week. iConnections’ annualphilanthropic events, which started with Funds4Food, and followed byFunds4Minds and Funds4Ukraine have raised over $2.5million for charities.